Mental Health, Diet and Nutrition

An overview of Mental Health, Diet and Nutrition

  • Concept of mental health vs mental illness
  • Everyone has mental health which includes overall well-being
  • Subset of mental health includes diagnosable mental health conditions (mental illness), e.g., major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder 

Mental Health, Diet and Nutrition: Fads

  • In this presentation, will learn the patient/clients may engage in unfounded diet and nutrition interventions to address mental health·
  • Identification of common fads presented by patient/clients·
  • will address three fads and elicit input from seminar participants for additional examples:
  • Sugar-free cure, High-dose omega-3, and Gut-healing detox diet:


Mental Health, Diet and Nutrition: Facts

  • In this presentation, will discuss the numerous common beliefs about health effects of certain foods are not supported by solid evidence; but scientific evidence demonstrating unequivocal link between nutrition and mental health beginning to emerge, in fact, emerging field of nutritional psychiatry
  • will address three facts, i.e., evidence-based interventions
  • Examples of emerging evidence-based interventions


Concluding Remarks on Mental Health, Diet and Nutrition

 ·         Is my patient/client “unmotivated” or is this untreated debilitating depression?

·         Is my patient/client a habitual “no show” or is this untreated social anxiety disorder?




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