Leadership for the Frontline Pharmacist (Hybrid Course, Online and In-Person)

The Impetus: A Global Leadership Crisis

According to recent research (*)there is empirical evidence for a major disconnect:  88% of employees feel their leaders don’t engage enough– even though 77% of leaders think they do a good job of engaging their people. Furthermore, 35% of employees reported that they would forego a pay raise, to see their leaders fired. The above exists despite the fact that $46 billion is spent annually on leadership development. In their official position statement on leadership, the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists stated that “Frontline pharmacists must exhibit themselves as leaders each time they step into the workplace”.


An Alternative:  Collaborative  leadership


To address the pervasive disconnect, our approach has been guided by a framework of collaborative leadership. This is compatible with the vision of the Touro College of Pharmacy, which includes “educating and inspiring students to become compassionate, influential pharmacist-practitioners and leaders.” This certificate program will extend and apply this

vision to foster leadership in frontline pharmacists, as reflected in the specific objectives below . This will be accomplished through a multi-modal educational delivery system that will include on-line learning, self-assessments, didactic presentations, and experiential skill development.

In line with the aforementioned ASHP vision for frontline pharmacists, this program is significant regardless of the individual pharmacist’s position in the formal organizational hierarchy. Everyone can benefit from internalizing the salient perspective and skills inherent in collaborative leadership- as all leadership begins with self-leadership.




Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to :

  1. Appreciate the salient aspects of “collaborative leadership”
  2. Develop an enhanced sense of “self-awareness”
  3. Apply optimal communication skills for individual and organizational effectiveness
  4. Provide and receive effective feedback to enhance performance
  5. Discuss unique challenges pertaining to “gender relationships in the workplace”
  6. Foster trust for team building
  7. Identify practical strategies to promote resilience and more optimal life/work balance
  8. Describe a prototype for leading change in an organizational setting


Please note that this certificate program course does not provide CPE credit.



This is an 1199/City Education Fund sponsored program.  No out-of-pocket cost for 1199/City Fund members

In order to participate in this program, you must have:

  • Been a full-time or part-time pharmacist for at least one year at a New York City agency/facility participating in the 1199SEIU/City of New York Education, Child and Eldercare Fund.


Program Details (8 Hours – In-Class):

Date: Sunday, January 12, 2020

Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Venue: Touro School of Pharmacy, 231 West 124th Street, New York, NY 10027

The School will provide complimentary continental breakfast and lunch

Access to the online component will be provided to participants on October 15th.


The School will provide complimentary continental breakfast and lunch

Seats will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

For any questions, please contact Zdravko Smilevski at Zdravko.Smilevski@1199Funds.org.



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