Drug Interactions with Antiretroviral / Updates on Diabetes Management (City Fund Members Only)

Target Audience

This continuing education session was planned to meet the needs of institutional pharmacists.

Activity Overview

This presentation will review ways to optimizing drug therapy for patients  with acute and chronic kidney disease. It will also show ways to optimizing drug therapy for patients with acute and chronic kidney diseases.

Learning Objectives

Drug Interactions with Antiretrovirals

  • Describe the pharmacokinetic pathways responsible for drug interactions.
  • List common CYP3A4 inducers and inhibitors involved in drug interactions.
  • Recognize clinically significant drug interactions with antiretroviral.
  • Identify strategies for managing common antiretroviral drug interactions.

Updates on Diabetes Management

  • Understand pathophysiology & epidemiology of diabetes​
  • Review the updates to the 2022 American Diabetes Association guidelines​
  • Identify changes in screening and diagnosis of diabetes​
  • Analyze the changes to the overall type 2 diabetes management algorithm​
  • Discuss changes in diabetes technology recommendations

Accreditation Information

The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists (NYSCHP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program is approved for 0.2 CEUs (total contact hours=2). Statements of Continuing Pharmacy Education Credit are available to participants upon the conclusion of the program with a survey link. Participant must verify attendance at the meeting by entering the program CE code.

UAN: 0134-0000-22-121-L01-P

Attendees have 45 days from the date of the program to retrieve their credits. Payments to NYSCHP or WNYSHP are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (i.e., ordinary, necessary business expenses; miscellaneous itemized deduction).

There are no fees associated with these activities.


Hardware Requirements

Processor: Dual Core 2Ghz or Higher (i3/i5/i7 or AMD equivalent)

  • RAM: 4 GB

Speakers and Microphone: built-in or USB plug-in or wireless Bluetooth

  • Webcam or HD webcam: built-in or USB plug-in


Software Requirements

Operating System: Mac OSX 10.9 or later OR Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 (Note: For devices running

Windows 10, they must run Windows 10 Home, Pro, or Enterprise. S Mode is not supported)


Internet Requirements

Internet connection: Broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE)


Provider Contact Information:

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Touro College of Pharmacy at Cheuk-Michael.Liu15@touro.edu


Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality:

In order to provide you with the services and support the University, we at times need to collect, store and/or process certain information about prospective and current members of our University community, as well as our website guests. Touro College of Pharmacy, as part of Touro University, values your privacy and takes the protection of personal information very seriously. We recognize that these efforts require us to secure your information appropriately and to handle it respectfully. Please refer to the University Privacy webpage to provide information about our data collection and processing practices. These notices will inform you in greater detail about the types of information we collect, how we may use it and how we maintain it based upon the relationship(s) you may have with the University.


Instructions for Obtaining Continuing Education Credits for Pharmacists

Participant names will be checked against the program’s electric attendance sheet to verify attendance and attendee signature is required to receive CE credits – you need to be in-attendance for the whole activity.  Please note:  If you did not sign in at the program, you will not be verified for taking the survey and will be disqualified to receive your CE credits.


  1. Click on the survey(s) above which applies to you (pharmacists or technicians)
  2. You do NOT need to sign in with your membership ID to take the survey.
  3. MyCPEMonitor and The Board of Pharmacy require: (please be sure you enter correctly to insure credit approval)
  • Your first and last name
  • Month and date of birth in the format “MMDD” (ie: July 16 = 0716 or December 12 = 1212)
  • Your NABP e-Profile ID number (typically 6-7 digits)
  1. At the end of the survey you will input a CE code that you received at the program.
  2. You have 45 days after the program to complete the survey. MyCPEMonitor will not accept credits after 45 days from the session dat Date you must submit by:  TBD
  3. It will take up to 60 days for your credits to be uploaded to MY CPE Monitor.
  4. Only Certificates of Credit issued from MyCPEMonitor are valid in the US.


Please only fill out the survey ONCE.

When you complete the survey, the “thank you” at the bottom of the screen is your confirmation – you will not receive a separate email confirmation.





Drug Interactions with Antiretrovirals

  • Describe the pharmacokinetic pathways responsible for drug interactions.
  • List common CYP3A4 inducers and inhibitors involved in drug interactions.
  • Recognize clinically significant drug interactions with antiretroviral.
  • Identify strategies for managing common antiretroviral drug interactions.


Updates on Diabetes Management

  • Understand pathophysiology & epidemiology of diabetes​
  • Review the updates to the 2022 American Diabetes Association guidelines​
  • Identify changes in screening and diagnosis of diabetes​
  • Analyze the changes to the overall type 2 diabetes management algorithm​
  • Discuss changes in diabetes technology recommendations


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