9:00 am — Participants Login
9:20 am — Welcome and Introductory Remarks
9:30 am — Emerging Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: Presenter: Bijay Jha, PhD
10:30 am — Robotics in the Fight Against Infectious Diseases: Presenter: Melvilí Cintrón, PhD, D(ABMM)
11:30 am — Break
12:00 pm — Advances in Early HIV Detection and Disease Monitoring: Presenter: Hana Fukuto, PhD, SMB(ASCP)CM
1:00 pm — Molecular Tools for Tuberculosis Testing: Presenter: Gloria Viboud, PhD, SM(ASCP)MB
2:00 pm — Participants receive program evaluation information
Clinical Laboratory Practitioners:
This continuing medical laboratory education activity is recognized by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) for four (4) CMLE credits. ASCP CMLE credits are acceptable for the ASCP Board of Registry Certification Maintenance Program.
All Other Healthcare Professionals:
Will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.