Caring Hands, Vital Roles: Perioperative Techs, the Heartbeat of the Operating Room


9:00 am — Participants Login

9:20 am — Welcome and Introductory Remarks

9:30 am — “Nurturing Success: Keys to Being an Effective Preceptor and Supporting Preceptees”: Presenter: Karen Rowan MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CNOR

10:30 am — “Innovations in Heart Care: An In-Depth Look at the CardioMEMS Procedure”: Presenter: Lauren A. Phifer, CST

11:30 am — Break

12:00 pm — “Critical Support: The Role of Perioperative Techs in Vascular Surgery”: Presenter: Jessica O’Connor MSN, RN, CNOR

1:00 pm — “Caring Through Cleanliness: Sterilization, Infection Control, and Patient Safety”: Presenter: Kristina Manetta, CST

2:00 pm — Program Concludes


Surgical Technologists/Technicians

This course is approved by the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) for four (4) continuing education credits.

Central Sterile Technicians

An application has been submitted to the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) for continuing education credits.

Anesthesia Technologists/Technicians

An application has been submitted to the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT) for continuing education credits.

Other Healthcare Professionals

All other healthcare professionals will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.

Medical Laboratory Risk Management


Time Duration Presenter(s)
8:45 am Participants Login NA
9:20 am Welcome and Introductory Remarks 10 mins. Dr. Olufemi Yeku
9:30 am Overview of Medical Laboratory Risk Management 60 mins. Dr. Diane Price Banks
10:30 am Process Steps in Biosafety Risk Assessment in the Laboratory 60 mins. Dr. Olufemi Yeku
11:30 am Lunch Break 60 mins.
12:30pm Medical Laboratory Risk Assessment 60 mins. Dr. Olufemi Yeku
1:30pm Implementing root cause analysis (RCA) for risk management in the clinical laboratory 60 mins. Dr. Diane Price Banks
2:30pm Participants Receive Program Evaluation Information  


Clinical Laboratory Practitioners:

This continuing medical laboratory education activity is recognized by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) for four (4) CMLE credits. ASCP CMLE credits are acceptable for the ASCP Board of Registry Certification Maintenance Program.

Other Healthcare Professionals:

All other healthcare professional will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.

Eligibility for 1199SEIU Members

Training and Employment Fund members

Members must have been a part-time or full-time employee for at least one year, work at least three-fifths of a regular workweek and work for an employer who contributes to the 1199SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund or the 1199SEIU Greater New York Education Fund. The cost of attendance is deducted from your Continuing Education benefit.

City of New York Education, Child and Eldercare Fund Members

Pharmacists, Dietitians, Clinical Laboratory Practitioners and LPNs must have worked with NYC Health + Hospitals or a mayoral agency for at least one year. The cost of attendance is deducted from your Continuing Education benefit.

For Further Information

Call (212) 894-4390


Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel, you must do so at least 48 hours before the program date to avoid a penalty. To cancel, contact the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (TUF) by telephone, (212) 894-4390; fax, (212) 643-8795; or email, TUF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a program in the event of insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified and given the option of receiving a refund or attending the rescheduled program or an alternate program.


Medical Coding

Medical Coding

A Three-Hour Seminar for Medical Coders

 Thursday, November 16, 2023

5:30 pm – 9:00 pm


  • Eligible 1199SEIU members: No out-of-pocket costs
  • All other participants: $75

Live Webcast (Internet)

Register for Webcast (Member)

The deadline to register for this event is Wednesday, November 16, 2023, noon.

Program and Learning Objectives

 5:45 pm — Log in

 6:00 pm — Bridging the Gap Between Clinical and Coding


Pietro S. Ingrande, RHIT, CCS

 Descriptive Summary:

This presentation will focus on how ICD-10-CM/PCS coding impacts healthcare, ways to bridge the gap between clinical validation and coding, and an explanation of the query process, along with a discussion of official advice from the Official Coding Rules and Guidelines, Coding Clinic, AHIMA and ACDIS.

 Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand how ICD-10-CM/PCS coding impacts healthcare, including data collection, reimbursement, ethics, compliance and quality;
  2. Explain how clinical documentation improvement impacts documentation, coding, clinical validation and compliance;
  3. Discuss the query process, including what, why and how we query; and
  4. Describe how to bridge the gap between clinical validation and coding.


7:30 pm —  A Deep Dive into the 2023 CPT Coding Updates and Beyond

Zia Rivera-Clarkson, MBA, MDiv, CPC-I, CPC, CBCS

 Descriptive Summary:

This presentation will focus on coding changes in 2023, including clarification of evaluation and management coding for office visit coding criteria and expansion of that criteria into evaluation and management (EM) coding, vaccination coding for COVID-19, and the coding of hernia repairs. Some of the code changes, additions and deletions that will impact our work in the near future, as well as anticipated updates for 2024, will be discussed.

 Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand EM coding criteria for 2023;
  2. Explain the EM criteria definitions;
  3. Describe other CPT changes in 2023;
  4. Discuss changes to CPT EM guidelines for 2024; and
  5. Assess changes to vaccination guidelines for 2024.

 9:00 pm — Participants submit online evaluations


Medical Records Coders: An application has been submitted to the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) for three (3) continuing education credits

 All Other Healthcare Professionals: You will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.


Pietro S. Ingrande, RHIT, CCS

Zia Rivera-Clarkson, MBA, MDiv, CPC-I, CPC, CBCS

Eligibility for 1199SEIU Members

Training and Employment Fund Members

Members must have been a part-time or full-time employee for at least one year, work at least three-fifths of a regular workweek, and work for an employer who contributes to the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund or the 1199SEIU Greater New York Education Fund.

City of New York Education, Child and Eldercare Fund Members

Pharmacists, Dietitians, Clinical Laboratory Practitioners and LPNs must have worked with NYC Health + Hospitals or a mayoral agency for at least one year.

For Further Information


Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel, you must do so at least 48 hours before the program date to avoid a penalty. To cancel, contact the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (TUF) by telephone, (212) 894-4390; fax, (212) 643-8795; or e-mail, TUF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a program in the event of insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified and given the option of receiving a refund or attending the rescheduled program or an alternate program.

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Medical Laboratory Testing and Technology


9:00 am — Participants Login

9:20 am — Welcome and Introductory Remarks

9:30 am — “Flow Cytometric Diagnosis Of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)”: Presenter:  Amanda Burke, MS, MLS(ASCP)

10:30 am — “The Evolution of a Revolution: How Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has Evolved Over the Years”: Presenter: Anthony Huang, MS, MLS(ASCP)

11:30 am — Break

12:00 pm — “Advances in Early HIV Detection and Disease Monitoring”: Presenter: Hana Fukuto, PhD, SMB(ASCP)CM

1:00 pm — “Molecular Tools for Tuberculosis Testing”: Presenter: Gloria Viboud, PhD, SM(ASCP)MB

2:00 pm — Program Concludes


Clinical Laboratory Practitioners:

This continuing medical laboratory education activity is recognized by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) for four (4) CMLE credits. ASCP CMLE credits are acceptable for the ASCP Board of Registry Certification Maintenance Program.

Other Healthcare Professionals:

All other healthcare professional will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.

Chronic Illness Informational Care For The Elderly

A Three-Hour Accredited Seminar for Registered Nurses, Paramedics, and EMTs


Thursday, June 1, 2023

5:30 pm – 9:00 pm (ET)


Live Webinar (Zoom)

The deadline to register for this event is Wednesday, May 31, 2023.





Program and Learning Objectives


5:30 pm — Login

5:50 pm — Welcome and Introductory Remarks



6:00 pm — “UTIs: Ongoing condition for elderly females & the new treatments”

Presenter: Dr. Marc Bjurlin DO, MSc, FACOS



Descriptive Summary:


This presentation starter will cover recurrent UTI in the postmenopausal woman which is a common problem that can be effectively addressed by a stepwise approach. Also, the discussion of antibiotic prophylaxis as a highly effective way to reduce the incidents of recurrent UTIs. Finally, the pathogenesis of recurring UTIs that is believed to be due to alterations of bacterial flora and changes in the vaginal pH.



Learning Objectives:




Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the evaluations of recurrent UTIs
  2. Be able to identify risk factors for developing recurrent UTIs
  3. Be aware of preventions strategies for UTIs
  4. Understand why nearly all post-menopausal woman should be on vaginal estrogen



7:30 pm — “Optimizing Possible Drug Therapies for All Chronically Ill Elder Patients”

Presenter: Dr. Jennifer Fiebert PHARM.D., BCPS, BCGP, BC-ADM


Descriptive Summary:


This Seminar will review basic physiologic changes that occur with aging that may affect medication use in elderly patients. The risks associated with elderly patients taking multiple mediation (Polypharmacy) will be evaluated and strategies to minimize these risks will be discussed. And finally, potentially inappropriate medications and other medications related problems that can be identified based on pertinent age-related changes and chronic conditions.




Learning Objectives:



Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the reasons for recognizing and managing polypharmacy in the elderly.
  2. Understand strategies that can help minimize adverse medication effects in geriatric patients.
  3. Identify high risk medications associated with inappropriate prescribing in the older population.



8:00 pm — “Care for the Elderly Experiencing Altered Mental Status”

Presenter: Dr. Kamila Barnes DNP, FNP-C



Descriptive Summary:


This presentation will review the risk factors and causes for altered mental status in the elderly population, as well as how to distinguish dementia from acute delirium. Finally, we will also discuss the challenges experience in communication with patients and families and support in coordination of care.




Learning Objectives:


Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the risk factors and causes for altered mental status in elderly
  2. Differentiate the signs and symptoms of dementia versus acute delirium
  3. Discuss the interdisciplinary role in supporting patients and caregivers in coordinator with care and health promotion.



9:00 pm — Participants receive program evaluation information





RNs/Nurse Practitioners:  Has been Approved for 3.0 Hrs. by the CA Board of Registered Nursing




Paramedics/EMTs: Has been Approved for 3 continuing medical education credits by the Regional Emergency Medical Service Council for New York City (REMCO).




Other Healthcare Professionals

All other healthcare professionals will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.




Dr. Marc A. Bjurlin, DO, MSc, FACOS

Co-Director of Clinical Trials, Associate Professor of Urology



Dr. Jennifer Fiebert Pharm D., BCPS, BCGP, BC-ADM

Pharmacy Supervisor, Residency Program Director



Dr. Kamila Barnes, DNP, FNP-C

Founder of ‘Barnes Health Associates’, Assistant Professor for Nursing, FNP Director





No out-of-pocket costs for eligible 1199SEIU members:

Training and Employment Fund members

Members must have been a part-time or full-time employee for at least one year, work at least three-fifths of a regular work week, and work for an employer who contributes to the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund or the 1199SEIU Greater New York Education Fund.


City of New York Education, Child and Eldercare Fund members


Pharmacists, Dietitians, Clinical Laboratory Practitioners and LPNs must have worked with NYC Health + Hospitals or a mayoral agency for at least one year.



Other participants: Cost is $75

For Further Information



Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel, you must do so at least 48 hours before the program date to avoid a penalty. To cancel, contact the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (TUF) by telephone, (212) 894-4390; fax, (212) 643-8795; or email, TUF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a program in the event of insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified and given the option of receiving a refund or attending the rescheduled program or an alternate program.

The Role of Nutrients in Developing a Healthy Immune System

A Three-Hour Seminar in Recognition of National Nutrition Month

Thursday, March 16, 2022

5:30 pm – 9:00 pm (ET)


Live Webinar (Zoom)

The deadline to register for this event is Wednesday, March 15, 2022.


Program and Learning Objectives

 5:30 pm — Login

 5:50 pm — Welcome and Introductory Remarks

 6:00 pm — “Overview of Physiology of the Immune System”:

 Presenter: Janet Kolmer Grommet, PhD, RDN, CDCES, FAND

 Descriptive Summary:

The first part of this seminar will focus on the physiology of the immune system to serve as a foundation for examining nutritional factors impacting the immune system.  Fundamentals of the both the innate and the acquired immune systems will be addressed as well as components of the acquired system.  In addition, blood work reflecting the health of the immune system will be noted.

 Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. To describe the immune system including both innate system and adaptive system
  2. To differentiate components of adaptive immune system including cell-mediated immunity
  3. To explain blood work related to the immune system including immunoglobulins

7:30 pm — “Influence of Food and Nutrients on the Immune System”:

 Presenter: Theresa Gentile, MS, RD, CDN

 Descriptive Summary:

This presentation will discuss how foods can influence our innate and acquired immunity. Nutrients involved in the mediation of pro-and anti-inflammatory responses will be discussed, such as Vitamins A, B and D, B vitamins, and minerals such as Zinc and Selenium. The connection between nutrition and chronic, systemic inflammation and sudden, acute inflammation will also be reviewed. In addition, macronutrients and micronutrients’ immunomodulatory effects on the gut microbiome will be presented.


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the relationship between nutrition and the immune system
  2. Identify how nutrition can modulate the gut microbiome to influence immunity
  3. Understand the connection between obesity’s inflammatory process and anti-inflammatory foods
  4. List nutrients responsible for the regulation of an optimal immunologic response, especially in the under-nourished

 9:00 pm — Participants receive program evaluation information


Dietitians/Dietetic Technicians

An application has been submitted to the Commission for Dietetic Registration (CDR) for continuing education units

Other Healthcare Professionals

All other healthcare professional will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.


Janet Kolmer Grommet, PhD, RDN, CDCES, FAND

Theresa Gentile, MS, RD, CDN


No out-of-pocket costs for 1199SEIU members:

Training and Employment Fund members

Members must have been a part-time or full-time employee for at least one year, work at least three-fifths of a regular workweek, and work for an employer who contributes to the 1199SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund or the 1199SEIU Greater New York Education Fund.


City of New York Education, Child and Eldercare Fund members

Pharmacists, Dietitians, Clinical Laboratory Practitioners and LPNs must have worked with NYC Health + Hospitals or a mayoral agency for at least one year.


Other participants: Cost is $75


For Further Information



Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel, you must do so at least 48 hours before the program date to avoid a penalty. To cancel, contact the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (TUF) by telephone, (212) 894-4390; fax, (212) 643-8795; or email, TUF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a program in the event of insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified and given the option of receiving a refund or attending the rescheduled program or an alternate program.


Dementia Care and Social Worker Practices

A Three-Hour Accredited Seminar for Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors and CASAC/Other Healthcare Practitioners in Recognition of National Social Work Month


Thursday, March 30, 2023  

5:30 pm – 9:00 pm



  • Eligible 1199SEIU members: No out-of-pocket costs
  • All other participants: $75


Live Webinar (Zoom)


The deadline to register for this event is Wednesday, March 29, at noon.


Register for the Live Webinar (Members)



Program and Learning Objectives


5:30 pm — Participants Log in      


5:50 pm — Welcome and Introductory Remarks                                            


6:00 pm — Social Work Practice among Family Caregivers of Dementia



Dante A. Tipiani, MSW


Descriptive Summary:

This presentation will help improve social workers’ understanding of dementia care and provide tools to improve the quality of care for patients and their families. Participants will develop a better understanding of the different types of dementia and how to best deliver interventions.


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Better understand the symptoms, diagnosis and stages of dementia;
  2. Evaluate and care for dementia patients and their families;
  3. Recognize behavioral problems and interventions; and
  4. Research and identify dementia and caregiver resources.


7:30 pm — Best Practices and Strategies

 for Dementia Care     



Emilia León, LCSW


Descriptive Summary:

This presentation will provide social workers with the skills to support patients and their care partners. It will focus on whole-person care and how an interdisciplinary approach is essential to working with this population in advanced care planning, as well as discuss ways to be culturally sensitive during end-of-life discussions.


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the challenges and complexities interdisciplinary teams face in providing coordinated whole-person care;
  2. Identify community agencies that can help support patients and their care partners; and
  3. Improve the interdisciplinary approach and communication to advanced care planning.


9:00 pm — Participants receive program evaluation information.





An application has been submitted to the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) for three (3) clock hours.

Social Workers: The 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers under provider #0286. Licensed NYS Social Workers are required to provide NYS license number to receive certificate of credit. This course is approved for three (3) continuing education hours.


Other Healthcare Professionals

All other healthcare professionals will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.



Dante A. Tipiani, MSW

Dementia Care Social Worker, CaringKind—The Heart of Alzheimer’s Caregiving


Emilia León, LCSW    

Inpatient Social Worker, Mount Sinai Health System


Eligibility for 1199SEIU Members

Training and Employment Fund members

Members must have been a part-time or full-time employee for at least one year, work at least three-fifths of a regular workweek, and work for an employer who contributes to the 1199SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund or the 1199SEIU Greater New York Education Fund.


City of New York Education, Child and Eldercare Fund members

Pharmacists, Dietitians, Clinical Laboratory Practitioners and LPNs must have worked with NYC Health + Hospitals or a mayoral agency for at least one year.

For Further Information


Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel, you must do so at least 48 hours before the program date to avoid a penalty. To cancel, contact the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (TUF) by telephone, (212) 894-4390; fax, (212) 643-8795; or email, TUF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a program in the event of insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified and given the option of receiving a refund or attending the rescheduled program or an alternate program.


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Annual Imaging Seminar

Program and Learning Objectives

5:45 pm – Participants Log in

5:50 pm – Welcome and Introductory Remarks

6:00 pm – History and Overview of Radiology


Kenneth Martinucci, M.S. R.T. (R)

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe landmark events in the discovery of man-made radiation;
  2. Discuss events that occurred in the process of advanced radiologic imaging;
  3. Explain the ALARA principle and how it impacts and affects radiology; and
  4. Provide information about the radiologic profession as it applies to professional licensure and to New York State.

7:00 pm — Quality Assurance and Control in Radiology


Isaak Miroshenko, M.A., R.T. (R) (CT)

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the differences among single-phase, three-phase and high-frequency power;
  2. Identify the voltage ripple associated with various high-voltage generators;
  3. Discuss the importance of voltage ripple to X-ray quantity and quality;
  4. Explain the operation of the high-voltage generator, filament transformer and rectifiers;
  5. Define the power rating of an X-ray imaging system;
  6. Discuss the interaction between projectile electrons and the X-ray tube target;
  7. Identify characteristic and bremsstrahlung X-rays;
  8. Describe the X-ray emission spectrum;
  9. Explain how mAs, kVp, added filtration, target material and voltage ripple affect the X-ray emission spectrum;
  10. Describe each of the five X-ray interactions with matter;
  11. Relate short-term and long-term effects due to high and low radiation doses;
  12. Differentiate between somatic and genetic radiation effects and discuss specific diseases or syndromes associated with them;
  13. Discuss stochastic (probabilistic) and nonstochastic (deterministic) effects;
  14. Identify effective dose limits for occupational and nonoccupational radiation exposure and the basis for occupational exposure limits;
  15. Demonstrate how the operation of X-ray and ancillary equipment influences radiation safety and describe the potential consequences of equipment failure; and
  16. Demonstrate how time, distance and shielding can be manipulated to keep radiation exposures to a minimum.

8:00 pm — MRI Safety for Healthcare Professionals


Frank Cairo R.T. (R) (MR) (CT)

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe magnetism, magnetic fringe field and gauss line;
  2. Understand the various types of magnets which include permanent, resistive and superconductive;
  3. Discuss MRI terminology;
  4. Review various safety categories, including implantable devices and signage;
  5. Identify safety zones 1-4;
  6. Understand the necessary screening processes and procedures to follow prior to entering the MRI suite;
  7. Explain what to do in case of an emergency in the MRI suite;
  8. Review how to prevent the spread of infection in the MRI suite;
  9. Describe what is and is not allowed when entering an environmentally clean space; and
  10. Discuss joint commission requirements and what to anticipate during an inspection.

9:00 pm — Participants submit online evaluation


Imaging Technologists

This course is approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) for three and five tenths (3.5) Category A continuing education credits. The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) accepts ASRT Category A credits.

All Other Healthcare Professionals will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.


Eligibility for 1199SEIU Members

Training and Employment Fund Participants

To be eligible to attend this seminar at no cost, 1199SEIU members must have been a part-time or full-time employee for at least one year and work at least three-fifths of a regular workweek and work for an employer who contributes to the 1199SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund or the 1199SEIU Greater New York Education Fund.

City of New York Education, Child and Eldercare Fund Members

Pharmacists, Dietitians, Clinical Laboratory Practitioners and LPNs are eligible to attend 1199SEIU Training and Employment Fund-sponsored seminars and symposiums at no cost and must have worked with NYC Health + Hospitals or a mayoral agency for at least one year.

For Further Information


Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel, you must do so at least 48 hours before the program date to avoid a penalty. To cancel, contact the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (TUF) by telephone, (212) 894-4390; fax, (212) 643-8795; or email, TUF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a program in the event of insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified and given the option of receiving a refund or attending the rescheduled program or an alternate program.

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Advances In Spinal Surgery


9:00 am — Participants Login

9:20 am — Welcome and Introductory Remarks

9:30 am — Introduction:  Exciting  Times In The Evolution of Spine Surgery: Presenter: Jeremy M. Steinberger, MD

10:30 am — What is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Presenter: Peter B. Derman, MD, MBA

11:30 am — Break

12:00 pm — The Use of Robotics in Spine Surgery: An Exciting New Frontier: Presenter: Jonathan J. Rasouli, MD

1:00 pm — Use of Navigation and Virtual and Augmented Reality in Spine Surgery: Presenter: Sravisht Iyer, MD

2:00 pm — Program Concludes


Surgical Technologists/Technicians:

This course is approved by the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) for four (4) continuing education credits.

Central Sterile Technicians:

This course is approved by the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) [formerly the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM)] for four (4) continuing education credits.

Anesthesia Technologists/Technicians:

An application has been submitted to American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT) for continuing education credits.

Other Healthcare Professionals:

All other healthcare professional will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.

“Online Rehabilitation Therapy” 3-Hour Seminar for Rehabilitation Specialists

This virtual seminar will discuss the use of telehealth for rehabilitative services in a changing COVID-19 world.  This educational program will address the various methods online rehabilitative (physical and occupational) services can be provided in a telehealth environment and the requirements to ensure they are done appropriately by rehabilitation professionals. The program will also discuss the challenges that ensue for both the practitioner and client from technology, access, privacy, communication, and the changing COVID-19 world we are experiencing.

6:00 pm — How Online Rehabilitation Therapy Works: Is it Effective?



Descriptive Summary

Rehabilitative therapy is considered conservative care and can help people recover from injury or manage a condition without the use of drugs or other invasive treatments. Rehabilitative services are typically done in person at a clinic, in the hospital, in the person’s home or over telehealth. Telehealth visits or consultations over audio or video calls have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic which restricted people’s ability to receive treatment in person. Telehealth is done over the internet using multiple platforms to connect with the patient. Platforms should be HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) compliant and scheduling is similar to in person visits. Telehealth is an alternate avenue of receiving  rehabilitative therapy and has increased in use due to the pandemic.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Define Rehabilitation Therapy and identify the subtypes (OT, PT, etc.);
  2. Describe how telehealth rehabilitation services can be implemented;
  3. State the differences between in-person versus telehealth rehabilitation services;
  4. List the benefits of rehabilitative telehealth services.


7:30 pm —  The Challenge of Change: Post-COVID-19 Physical Rehabilitation


Dakshesh Sanghavi, PT, DPT, MS

Descriptive Summary

“Change is the only constant” – is an oft used adage that COVID-19 proved was so accurate.  This presentation will provide an overview of the disruption to Rehabilitation practice that COVID-19 epidemic has caused. It will also discuss the ways in which rehabilitation therapy services were changed and how the practitioners have adapted and altered their approach to care. Rising stress, decreased caseloads, utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE) and adopting telehealth are all changes that the pandemic urged us to adopt and adapt to. Telehealth usage zoomed dramatically in healthcare and many therapists were quick to effectively use it to provide much needed care to the patients. We will also discuss the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Core Outcome Measures developed to assess the impact of rehabilitation services on patients with COVID-19.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe how COVID-19 has disrupted rehabilitation therapy practice;
  2. Define practice and workforce limitations that COVID-19 has imposed on rehabilitation professionals;
  3. Discuss how Telehealth has future implications for ongoing rehabilitation practice;
  4. Identify the Core Outcome Measures that APTA has developed to assess the impact of rehabilitation services on patients with COVID-19.