9:00 am — Participants Login
9:20 am — Welcome and Introductory Remarks
9:30 am — “Nurturing Success: Keys to Being an Effective Preceptor and Supporting Preceptees”: Presenter: Karen Rowan MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CNOR
10:30 am — “Innovations in Heart Care: An In-Depth Look at the CardioMEMS Procedure”: Presenter: Lauren A. Phifer, CST
11:30 am — Break
12:00 pm — “Critical Support: The Role of Perioperative Techs in Vascular Surgery”: Presenter: Jessica O’Connor MSN, RN, CNOR
1:00 pm — “Caring Through Cleanliness: Sterilization, Infection Control, and Patient Safety”: Presenter: Kristina Manetta, CST
2:00 pm — Program Concludes
Surgical Technologists/Technicians
This course is approved by the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) for four (4) continuing education credits.
Central Sterile Technicians
An application has been submitted to the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) for continuing education credits.
Anesthesia Technologists/Technicians
An application has been submitted to the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT) for continuing education credits.
Other Healthcare Professionals
All other healthcare professionals will receive a general certificate of attendance. Please check with your accreditation board with respect to receiving credit for this program.